'Not as a threat, but I'll be back': Jurgen Klopp names the last thing he will do for Liverpool

'Not as a threat, but I'll be back': Jurgen Klopp names the last thing he will do for Liverpool

Jurgen Klopp has done a lot for Liverpool as a club but also intends to help Liverpool as a city, putting attention on different things.

Klopp said: "I will not be the manager anymore but in my mind – and it's really important and that's why I mention it so often – I stay the ambassador for the [LFC] Foundation, so I have to keep the key of the city and I don't want to take that lightly."

"I'm pretty sure the club doesn't need my help in the future but I might be able to help the city a little bit with a few things – with showing up, putting some attention on different things – and I would love to do that, to be honest. Not as a threat, but I'll be back!"

And that's what was expected from a person like Klopp. Even outside of the football niche, he can influence Liverpool (city) in a good way, which as a result will help the club as well!
