Tribuna/Profil/Ter Ibunde/Les commentaires
Ter Ibunde

Ter Ibunde

Date d'enregistrement: 8 octobre 2018

Commentaires des utilisateurs

Ter Ibunde
it is not in your place to determine what I comment on or not, and. to be honest, I was responding to someone who made a remark that I identified with. You are just a voyeur coming here to try and shut people down disrespectfully. I will leave this forum for you forever. Enjoy your exclusivity
Ter Ibunde
I was agreeing with an opinion I equally share, Mr. Judge, and i believe I am entitled to it. it is not in your place to come and shut me up here!!!! Let us learn to respect people's views and not descend into making snild comments. its childish!!!
Ter Ibunde
Répondez au commentaire d'un utilisateur One man against the world
It is important to choose your words correctly otherwise it can be misinterpreted. We expect you to stay cuz more wins are coming..
Agreed with you 100%...when you say Manchester City is the best club in the world!!!!! How can this be misinterpreted? Do I evened an interpreter?
Ter Ibunde
Répondez au commentaire d'un utilisateur Roland Pettersson
AJ have bad feeling about this gay. best he stays I Paris.
you need to watch the "here we go" video from Fabrizio Romano. That will calm your nerves.. Mbappe is coming purely on Madrid's terms. He is the one who really pushed for this. Stuff like image rights and salaries, which were part of the 2021 deal, were forgone, with Madrid talking new "take it or leave it" terms in 2024. So please relax and don't feel bad. I had the same reservations like you, too, until I listened to Romano.. Mbappe knows he is coming to a club that he needs and not to the club that needs him, plus we have Don Carlo to smoothen things up.
Ter Ibunde
Répondez au commentaire d'un utilisateur Boakye Yiadom
Atlético Madrid beat us in European Super Cup Final in 2018…(4-2) or we are talking about only Champions League when we talk about European cups…
Super Cup is not a final..its a tie in after you must have won a final of either a championship league final or Europa league final.. By the way? the loss in 1983 was not in a championship league final but cup winners cup - present day Europa league.
Ter Ibunde
Répondez au commentaire d'un utilisateur RM13
He needs to stop doing interviews.
or maybe he is auditioning for an exit. .
Ter Ibunde
sarcasm of the highest order.. I like the guy...He will get under the skin of so many of our fans
Ter Ibunde
Répondez au commentaire d'un utilisateur Madrid best
I don't really know when we'll put this mbappe saga aside and think about the crucial game that ahead of us on Wednesday.
You are tired already? Just wait till this Thursday morning when you wake up to sensational headline news about Mbappe vs Madrid in the UCL final...Thereafter, it will be Mbappe-Madrid news headlines all the way till the UCL final is played... unless you pray fervently to ensure Dortmund eliminates them. Otherwise brace up for more sensationalism in press reportage
Ter Ibunde
Répondez au commentaire d'un utilisateur ITZ KING MAN'S 👑👑
brilliant coach legend of the game 💪💪✅✅
Say it out loud.. Some of our fans need to hear this!!!
Ter Ibunde
Répondez au commentaire d'un utilisateur Uncle WAS
The majority of the Spanish papers favor Barcelona over Madrid! They always criticize Madrid for buying players but can't do the same with Barcelona. We always made them ashamed though. As in the case of Vini, Rodrigo, etc….
But you can't blame them..Even our fans here favor other coaches and teams above ours. So I am not offended when others report negativity about our team or how else can you explain the fact that we have are 9 la liga titles and 9 UCL titles ahead of Barca yet people still find a way to not just make comparisons but also write terrible stuff on out Real Madrid? imagine if Barca were the team with 35 La Liga titles and 14 UCLs.. I just don't get.