Buruji Adeniyi Abdulazeez

Buruji Adeniyi Abdulazeez

Date d'enregistrement: 17 juillet 2019

Commentaires des utilisateurs

Buruji Adeniyi Abdulazeez
Répondez au commentaire d'un utilisateur Adawastyle
Maybe there's something about Valverde we don't know too well? The players are not thanking him because Barca played so well during his time ,they're actually thanking him because he has a special way of relating with his players maybe.
jamesiyke jamesiyke Adawa, yes. I notice you.. I think he has a good personality
Buruji Adeniyi Abdulazeez
Répondez au commentaire d'un utilisateur Asongafac Lordrick
I think this is the best time for us now. Now that Mauricio pochetino has been sacked. Let's get this guy
Asongafac Lordrick,u reading my mind bro
Buruji Adeniyi Abdulazeez
Répondez au commentaire d'un utilisateur Obed Asante
he is doing better in the second half and you choose to change him, hmmmm, what a coach, you called yourself as a coach
Obed Asante, as in ehn, I was thinking I was the only one who was it ooo. Chai! what a coach!
Buruji Adeniyi Abdulazeez
Messi is Great & still the greatest of all time in football but as a captain & leader, he should please show examples in training always. The issues am having is him & Suarez always together in training, gisting & laughing all d time. The players need him more not only Suarez. He need to help this guyz & motivate them
Buruji Adeniyi Abdulazeez
Wishing u speedy recovery
Buruji Adeniyi Abdulazeez
I'm wishing he can come back... That's my prayer.
Buruji Adeniyi Abdulazeez
Répondez au commentaire d'un utilisateur Podgoreanu Andrei
You all must be freaking crazy . 100 cash+ 100 at least (coutinho ) + 50 (rakitic) = 250. For a player you sold for 220 a few years ago and who is in much worse shape now. Have we lost our minds ??
Podgoreanu Andrei, seriously, I'm wondering too. In as much dat I want Neymar back . the demand is sounding ridiculous
Buruji Adeniyi Abdulazeez
Répondez au commentaire d'un utilisateur Scotty
Honestly, this is good so that he can get back to his form but we must get him back for next season. Bring in Ney now
Scott Cruz, I agreed. We must get him back
Buruji Adeniyi Abdulazeez
Répondez au commentaire d'un utilisateur Mossey
i would love Rakitic to stay 1 more season but as for Rafinha and Coutinho they need to be offloaded as soon as ystdy
Moses Shoko, while coutinho??? He wasn't bad. He just needs confident & support.
Buruji Adeniyi Abdulazeez
Ronnie Pagling, I can't laugh oooooo. Nice savage reply