Alphonce Adero Jabugo

Alphonce Adero Jabugo

Date d'enregistrement: 18 juillet 2019

Commentaires des utilisateurs

Alphonce Adero Jabugo
Xhaka Torreira Ozil
Alphonce Adero Jabugo
Répondez au commentaire d'un utilisateur Omar Abdulsalam
matiland niles 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Are you from Mars
Alphonce Adero Jabugo
Tierney for me, played full time, had an assist, defended better than Bellerin during counter attacks.
Alphonce Adero Jabugo
Alphonce Adero Jabugo
Anywhere Ozil is the best
Alphonce Adero Jabugo
Evra ng'.. ny meru. Dhi Man U
Alphonce Adero Jabugo
Stupid coach, I hate Unai like a bad disease. Never playing my favor rite Ozil
Alphonce Adero Jabugo
Stupid coach, I hate Unai like a bad disease. Never playing my favourite Ozil
Alphonce Adero Jabugo
Alphonce Adero Jabugo
For me it's 14, this jersey defined the invisibles