Tribuna/Profil/Foh Yerh Vuh/Les commentaires
Foh Yerh Vuh

Foh Yerh Vuh

Date d'enregistrement: 11 octobre 2018

Commentaires des utilisateurs

Foh Yerh Vuh
Non chance creating midfielders. Except Busquests
Foh Yerh Vuh
Over dependence on Messi. Add this one to it
Foh Yerh Vuh
You need Neymar. Are you guys blind or what??? Mbappe, Sterling and all others you need. Not Bernardo going to play where exactly on the field???
Foh Yerh Vuh
Bernado will be just like Coutinho.
Foh Yerh Vuh
Some of these news feed you know what Barcelona wants but what can we do about it. You know where the problem is...
Foh Yerh Vuh
Sign de bryne and stop these through away money things
Foh Yerh Vuh
Keep watching till he is sold off okay
Foh Yerh Vuh
What the guy is saying true. The truth hurts some times you know. Just admit it
Foh Yerh Vuh
Your defence is not good but you are pursuing strikers. Which people are these
Foh Yerh Vuh
Watch your defence and stop the attack attack attack