Kingewin Morris

Kingewin Morris

تاريخ التسجيل: 11 أكتوبر 2018

تعليقات المستخدم

Kingewin Morris
good deal. 👍
Kingewin Morris
We already have Scott McTominay for that no8/no10 role. Scott can help defend and push up and score goals as a no10.
Kingewin Morris
we don't need nobody from Chelsea. looks like they will suggest to buy everyone like their predicament atm
Kingewin Morris
the last time varane played, they scored by playing balls through his legs. That can't be happening. Maguire looking good on the right. If varane can't play on the left play lindelof. He performs anywhere.
Kingewin Morris
no thanks
Kingewin Morris
He disrespect Manu so he fell from grace. Imagine overvalued himself so now he got a reality check
Kingewin Morris
no united fans cares if he returns or not. we hv a new keeper that looks good
Kingewin Morris
He overvalued himself. He want too much money for someone who played less than 90mins the last season. He refused Saudi deal ncuz he wanted more money like he was a world class star. Bro you ain't gonna get over 200k even as a free agent.
Kingewin Morris
united is sooooo much f******king shit eh. sack the manager and the team.
Kingewin Morris
I feel the same way. not interested in watching Manchester United anymore