Alhassan Ahmed Rufai

Alhassan Ahmed Rufai

Fecha de registro: 11 de marzo de 2019

Comentarios de usuario

Alhassan Ahmed Rufai
Vinicius Jovic Bale
Alhassan Ahmed Rufai
I started watching madrid in 1992
Alhassan Ahmed Rufai
congrats Beek
Alhassan Ahmed Rufai
Alhassan Ahmed Rufai
for the first time Rivaldo have spoken sense
Alhassan Ahmed Rufai
am not worried about Carvajal side because Odriozola is eqully good
Alhassan Ahmed Rufai
Alhassan Ahmed Rufai
I watched every real madrid match
Alhassan Ahmed Rufai
fenebahce is not a team that you should win and be happy
Alhassan Ahmed Rufai
this is not important to me, ein matchest and stop posting this