George Jason

George Jason

Fecha de registro: 2 de julio de 2019

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George Jason
Respondió al comentario de usuario kenechukwu idabo
Just look at who smallings is better than n we r dying over him. Please let’s Allow this guy till next year u will see the price will drastically go down. Look at fekir now, Liverpool was struggling to get him for 60m but Monaco refused n where hoping to get 80m at last season but now could u believe that d same fekir was sold for 20m, Monaco lost 40 good million. Toby of Tottenham we were on him last two seasons begging Tottenham with 40m n they insisted on 70m but now he’s not up to 25m. Please let’s forget this guy. He’s good no doubt but we must not give in to Leicester foolish n arrogant demand as if we had no option.
he said fekir played for Monaco😂😂😂😂
George Jason
Respondió al comentario de usuario MORRIS DIMBA
we don't team that can compete with spurs at the moment
speak English
George Jason
best player at United right now
George Jason
Respondió al comentario de usuario arash kahedi
Then he is not “trying to force through a move”... even our own “media” likes to take a go at him
Fatoyinbo Ambrose, 3 years at a club knowing the kind of Abilities you have no trophy , the way they play make you look bad and how the fans do nothing but blame only you when the team plays bad what would you do?
George Jason
Respondió al comentario de usuario red devils13
Please stop the starting sentence that pogba is forcing a move! rather say the media is trying their very best to make his life difucult in mancester!!!
and you don't know shit about football so shut up!!
George Jason
happy birthday youngy best captain ever
George Jason
I hate raiola