Cecs Black Jeko

Cecs Black Jeko

Fecha de registro: 11 de octubre de 2018
I love Arsenal and I’m very good at analyzing our club and their matches.

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Cecs Black Jeko
Respondió al comentario de usuario madebayor
you eventually kill the game yourself... what's viera doing on the pitch, while smithrowe still on the bench and Jesus when there's inketia on the pitch you should have do the sub earlier, now you've cost us the league and now the league is almost gone
Viera is not a starter I keep saying it
Cecs Black Jeko
Viera is not a starter I keep saying it , it’s better you start Smith Rowe or Jorginho in the absence of Xhaka
Cecs Black Jeko
Their called plastic fans , they can break anytime.
Cecs Black Jeko
Not bad 💯
Cecs Black Jeko
No need to be dramatic. Winning today doesn't mean the title is ours and losing today doesn't mean it's over. We need to approach this like another game, that's all.
Cecs Black Jeko
Thank you for showing your worth and importance, we love you .
Cecs Black Jeko
If his your target then don’t delay, we need reinforcements
Cecs Black Jeko
If Arteta and Edu wants Him then I’m in full support. He lost his mojo because he is not happy with the club, but I believe if he joins a club where he finds happiness he will surely deliver.
Cecs Black Jeko
I hope we don’t end up regretting to strengthen our midfield. Anyways I wish us luck from now until January ❤️
Cecs Black Jeko
If we are serious we can get both