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Shiner Jlight

Shiner Jlight

Date d'enregistrement: 2 mars 2020

Commentaires des utilisateurs

Shiner Jlight
two special creature
Shiner Jlight
Barca will bounce back very soon.
Shiner Jlight
Xavi carries Spainish-Barca DNA. He can replicate what Pep Guardiola did at Barca. we need you back as coach
Shiner Jlight
Busquet is not the caused of barca flaws. His passes accuracy is far better than De-Jong. Busquets is just been under-rated by fans. it will be well with barca soon.
Shiner Jlight
Fans stop condemning Victor Font. is he your personal problem or barca problem ?
Shiner Jlight
no need for barca to sign Neymar again bcos of lack of fund.
Shiner Jlight
TJay, Bw is a top 9, real 9, depay is a winger
Shiner Jlight
Répondez au commentaire d'un utilisateur Simon Stanley
Even if you’re right sir, this was a very stupid and insensitive comment from someone who wants to become president. Somethings are not meant to be said in public. It’s a known fact that people that talk much don’t really know how to deliver results. If Koeman is being accused of being biased and having favorites. It’s worse for a presidential aspirant to start picking favorites also. It’ll end up ruining the club. This guy is practically playing mind games with the fans. Ask yourself why does he agree to everything he fans are saying? The fans want Messi to stay, Xavi to coach Barca, Grizman sold or Benched, Barto resignation, Halaad or Mbape etc Do you really want a president that’ll be controlled by the fans opinion? No sir. Imagine a father that does everything the children ask for or a country where the president grants every request the citizens make. That’s a terrible leader. It might sound like a good idea but, As business management consultant and I’ll tell you for free that it’s a disaster waiting to happen. It means everything decision is being made out of sentimental biases. Whoever wins should be neutral and open to other options. That’s my point.
Simon Stanley, font is right but you are totally wrong simon. Font understand football more than you. Messi & griezman play thesame role naturally.. why would Bartomeu signed Griezman in the frst place if not for fraud reason among barca board.
Shiner Jlight
Répondez au commentaire d'un utilisateur Vinay Gujjar
to be really honest. they should loan him out .... it will improve his game
Vinay Gujjar, don't say that. Xavi & Iniesta was never loan out before they became great legend. why shud u say that to Riqui ? Riqui shud stay and fight for his position and chance
Shiner Jlight
get well soon in Jesus name