Richmond Jonathan

Richmond Jonathan

Date d'enregistrement: 8 octobre 2018

Commentaires des utilisateurs

Richmond Jonathan
you guys know nothing there is a clause they signed that they can't sell Chelsea for the next ten years. and for Strasbourg, they are having a better season than last year.
Richmond Jonathan
yes we have not, and it will get better. they have good intentions unlike other clubs owners. it will take time. but we will bounce back and stronger
Richmond Jonathan
clueless fanbase. when these investment begin to yield you all will jump on it. this was how Roman started our academy. people laughed back then. now we have the best academy. the academy has been our saving grace. if not FFP would have caught up with us more than 5times already.
Richmond Jonathan
it's not injury, James has a 6years contract. it will be very expensive to sign him now.
Richmond Jonathan
it's a shame fans are sounding like this. yes they have made mistakes. but no body will spend over a billion for something he does not love. another thing you guys forget. there is an agreement that they can't take any profit or sell the club for the next ten years. I believe they will get it right. Chelsea will be great very soon.
Richmond Jonathan
God bless you bro.
Richmond Jonathan
we are still the ones to suffer this. why not wait after the season. now is a very important time of the season. we don't need this now. the players will suffer more from this.
Richmond Jonathan
a lot of people don't understand that he had to withdraw for chidwell to over lap. he had a bad game. but not as people are saying it
Richmond Jonathan
Répondez au commentaire d'un utilisateur OnlyHalftooth
Lol! This same Broja would come and still do nothing, y’all would still complain about him! You need to understand that this players are still raw talent, it will take a long time before this players can start becoming what we envision them to be! The owners messed up on our transfer plans, they should have bought at least one or two experience attackers, and not spending outrageous amounts all on youngsters. This current team is just full of average players to be honest! Yes we need to be patient with them, but it would have been a lot easier if we had some experienced senior players who could step up when things are not going well! Unfortunately we don’t!
Richmond Jonathan
Répondez au commentaire d'un utilisateur Allan Shiny
No amount of football talent can make a 16-year-old footballer deserve a release clause of €60m. Chelsea should stop all these questionable buying. Most of these youngsters we have been buying do not have good reselling value in reality.
Madrid both endrick for the same release clause. endrick is 16 too. I we all want to see experience players this January. but the truth is nobody in Europe will sell to you the kind of striker we need in January. so we will have to wait till the summer.