darion cook

darion cook

Data registrazione: 8 ottobre 2018

Commenti degli utenti

darion cook
I pray they will have the real truth also forensic should their job but my prayer is still with him
darion cook
I totally agree with you @slim
darion cook
Rispondi al commento dell'utente 'jL
who the hell is tim sherwood? what has he achieved?
Sherwood is in charge of talk talk fc
darion cook
I don’t even miss him in the team
darion cook
I will give McTominay 2 to be honest I did not see this guy until 35 minutes of the match was wondering if he was playing
darion cook
I can tell in first but after the second goal it seems you gain your confident back
darion cook
de gea need to go
darion cook
C Ronaldo
darion cook
do we need to play second leg... we already qualify, matter of fact they should just give us the trophy
darion cook
do we need to play second leg... we already qualify, matter of fact they should just give us the trophy