Dj Doncally

Dj Doncally

Data registrazione: 23 ottobre 2019
Am A Dj With Blue Blood🔵💙

Commenti degli utenti

Dj Doncally
should this even be a question? His 4 years at Chelsea is like 40 years
Dj Doncally
Sack all the medical staff and brink back Eva
Dj Doncally
I feel so pained knowing that he will still be starting in the next match😥😢😭
Dj Doncally
The Most Useless Striker in the top five leagues. Only good at dragging penalty which he would probably end up missing
Dj Doncally
I can't wait for this season to be over so Chelsea can finally sign a striker. Jackson is garbage 🗑
Dj Doncally
Though i dislike the way Kai switched to our noisy neighbors but his 1 goal is = Champions league trophy 🏆
Dj Doncally
This Jackson guy is a very big IDIOT
Dj Doncally
All I see is winning....good luck guys
Dj Doncally
Chelsea doing everything possible to beat Premier league financial rules and FFP. Todd and Co are very good in business but not in football
Dj Doncally
This coach is really trash 🗑 how can you allow useless Sterling be on the pitch and took off Mm? All thanks to that red card