Cristiano Ronaldo caught on camera instructing Benzema where to pass the ball during match

Cristiano Ronaldo caught on camera instructing Benzema where to pass the ball during match

A funny episode happened during the closing match of the Euro 2020 group stage between Portugal and France.

Karim Benzema got the ball on Portugal's side of the pitch. As he scanned the space in front of him and saw no good option to pass the ball forward he turned around.

Cristiano Ronaldo was standing close to him and what he did next surprised everyone. He pointed to Raphael Varane and a moment later, Karim passed the ball to his Real Madrid teammate.

Football fans on Reddit have reacted to a funny episode.

kalyancr7: "Lol Benzema somehow forgot they are in national colours."

ChrisEvansFan: "LMAO! At least Benz didn't pass it to him based on muscle memory 😂"

rashka9: "I'm very excited to see CR7 as a coach."

KenHumano: "Now this is a real captain. Next, he’s gonna call out his own fouls."
