Messi lashes out at Abidal on Instagram after controversial claim on Valverde's sacking

Messi lashes out at Abidal on Instagram after controversial claim on Valverde's sacking

Leo Messi has hit back at Eric Abidal's most recent words about the reason for sacking Ernesto Valverde.

Here's what Abidal said.

"We took the decision to dismiss Valverde after the Clasico. The problem was not the results, but the internal issues.

"Many players were not satisfied with Valverde and some of them did not train seriously. There were problems internally.

"Even though Valverde's overall relationship with the locker room was good, being a former player I could smell that something was wrong. I told the club what I thought and that a decision must be taken."

Here's what Messi wrote in his Insta-story after the interview was released.

"Honestly I don't like making such things, but I think everyone should be responsible for his own tasks and decisions. The players know what happens inside the pitch, and we're also the first to admit whenever we do wrong.

"The ones responsible for the sporting area must assume their responsibilities and take charge of the decisions they make. At last, I think that when it is spoken about the players, names should be given, because if not it is contaminating everyone and spreading lies."
