'He is feeling better and eager to return': Clement Lenglet offers Ousmane Dembele's injury update

'He is feeling better and eager to return': Clement Lenglet offers Ousmane Dembele's injury update

Barcelona defender Clement Lenglet has provided a positive update on the injury setback of Ousmane Dembele, revealing the attacker has already started training alone.

He told Mundo Deportivo: "He [Dembele] is training with us, he has a different program and he is working with the club to recover quickly. 

"Also the coronavirus stoppage has helped him a little. We do not know if he will be at the end of the season, but he is working to be as fast as possible.

"We still don't know because Ousmane has had serious injuries and it depends a lot on his body and on the way he recovers, but of course we want him to come back quickly because he has a style that helps us a lot when he plays and that is very different from what that we have right now.

"Well, I think it's fine now. He had a bad time because getting injured again before playing caused him to rage. Now he is much better, wanting to return, but doing everything perfectly to return without risking."

Dembele picked up another lengthy injury during a Barca training session on February 3. He underwent surgery in Finland on February 11 and has since been recovering from the setback.

The attacker won't participate in the remainder of the Liga season as the Blaugrana have already de-registered him from their squad in the league to make way for Martin Braithwaite.

AuthorJidonu MauyonSourceMundo Deportivo