'What makes life moving is the heart': Dani Alves shares touching message with fans while wearing Barca jacket

'What makes life moving is the heart': Dani Alves shares touching message with fans while wearing Barca jacket

"What makes love moving is the heart and if it is alright, the rest will matter little! Feelings are things that many claim to have, but little do they understand!" Dani Alves wrote on his Instagram account.

The only thing that really captures our attention is the Brazilian's stylish jacket with the Barcelona logo on the left side.

After Brazil's glorious Copa America of 2019, the former Barca defender was linked with a surprising comeback to Camp Nou but this has never materialised.

Dani Alves is now 37 and he plays for the Brazilian side Sao Paulo.

AuthorKosta KönigSourcedanialves @ Instagram