Man with vitiligo models Leo Messi's products – all you need to know about this unusual skin condition

Man with vitiligo models Leo Messi's products – all you need to know about this unusual skin condition

Leo Messi isn't just the best footballer of all times - he is also a businessman, owning the popular brand The Messi Store.

And here's Moostapha, one of the models.

What's so special about this young man? You can see that his skin is a bit different - some areas are much lighter. Why is it so? Is it dangerous? are right here to explain!

What's Moostapha's problem?

Moostapha is suffering from vitiligo, a long-term skin condition which results in some fragments of the skin losing their pigments.

To put it shortly, if a person suffers from vitiligo, parts of his or her skin become much lighter, including the skin hair and even the inside of the mouth and nose.

People of all races may get affected by vitiligo but it's more noticeable in the dark-skinned ones.

Is this vitiligo thing dangerous?

Vitiligo doesn't have any lasting effects harmful to the affected person's health. Consider it as a cosmetic defect.

Sometimes, it could be uncomfortable for such people to stay in the sun because of a higher risk of getting sunburnt.

Yet this condition may lead to anxiety and depression especially if the affected person is stigmatized or bullied for his or her appearance.

Vitiligo isn't contagious but it's believed to have a genetic susceptibility - meaning, the children of such people could get similarly affected.

What may cause vitiligo?

The main reason behind vitiligo is the destruction of the skin pigment cells, which could be caused by various autoimmune diseases and environmental factors.

Any cure?

There's no possible way to get rid of those patches of white skin. One may simply use sunscreen or makeup as the most conservative treatment. Steroids, phototherapy or even surgery could be used in more difficult cases.

Any other people with vitiligo?

Popstar Michael Jackson was one of the most famous people suffering from vitiligo - here's why he changed his appearance so drastically. His son Prince inherited this disease.

Canadian fashion model Winnie Harlow has vitiligo since she was 4 but it didn't prevent from pursuing a modelling career. The 26-year-old often appears on the television and offers public support for those suffering from the same disease.
