Benzema: 'People who criticise Messi do not understand football'

Benzema: 'People who criticise Messi do not understand football'

"It's going to be weird to meet him after so many years at FC Barcelona," Karim Benzema told Telefoot when asked about facing Leo Messi in the Champions League Round of 16 clash against PSG.

"He is one of the best players in the world, he said.

"Why has he not succeeded at PSG [yet]? It's just a time of adaptation because he doesn't score many goals. But look at what he's doing on the pitch, dude.

"Anyway, you can't criticize a player like that. People who criticise Messi do not understand football, in fact."

Factos! The Real Madrid striker hits the nail on the head here.

Many fans have slated Leo online for his performances at PSG but they are so wide off the mark.

Even Benzema, Messi's rival, acknowledges his greatness.

AuthorAleksei BlokhinSourceTelefoot