Why is Yaya Toure trending online? It has to do with a juju curse

Why is Yaya Toure trending online? It has to do with a juju curse

Former Barcelona midfielder Yaya Toure is trending online with thousands of Twitter mentions in the last few days.

It all started after weighty Financial Fair Play breach allegations were levelled against Manchester City this week. The Cityzens are now facing docked points, a transfer ban or even relegation if found guilty.

Some fans on Twitter are of the opinion that Man City's troubles is somehow linked to a voodoo curse reportedly placed on their head coach Pep Guardiola.

Three years ago, Yaya's agent Dimitri Seluk claimed that Guardiola will be cursed in the Champions League by African shamans for his perceived ''mistreatment' of the Ivorian midfielder.

"I'm sure that many African shamans will not let Guardiola win the Champions League in the future. It will be like an African curse on Guardiola," Seluk said.

Here are some reactions from fans on the blue app:

Sayda_2203: "Yaya Toure's juju man is generational... man cursed them straight to hell with an unbreakable spell"

jayblaze_1: "Yaya Toure’s xJuj (expected Juju) is at an all-time high right now. Man City and Pep are FINISHED"

PhumeSiaga: "Yaya Toure juju doesn’t play"

MoneebUlHassan: "Dear Yaya Toure please forgive Man City. Your Juju is very powerful"

realnumber9_: "Pep should just apologise to Yaya Toure and get him to remove the juju'

drumkingpiu: "If ever you doubted African Juju then you've never heard of Yaya Toure"
