'We'll put an end to this situation': Laporta makes Barca Financial Fair Play promise

'We'll put an end to this situation': Laporta makes Barca Financial Fair Play promise

Barcelona are struggling to make ends meet under the current La Liga Financial Fair Play rules. It dents their ability to sign new players as they can't pay large transfer fees unless they sell someone.

Joan Laporta says that the situation has already improved compared to a few years ago. He insists that the club will be able to fully operate in the market soon.

"We saved the club economically. If we stay within the budget this season, we will put an end to the situation," the president said in an interview with RAC1.

"If we respect our ambitious budget, which is on the right path, we will make a good decision. The debt is reduced, net assets have increased, payroll has fallen by €152m.

"Everything is linked to the Financial Fair Play rule. We inherited it from the previous board, so we have to stick to the budget. To reach Fair Play, we should end the season on profit."

"The wage bill was 98% of the club's income when I arrived. Now, 57%."

AuthorAleksei BlokhinSourceRAC1