Xavi: 'Nothing has changed. I don't know where this news is coming from'

Xavi: 'Nothing has changed. I don't know where this news is coming from'

Xavi has flatly denied all the rumours about his potential sacking. The Barca coach claims he is happy and has the full support of the board.

"The club gives me peace of mind, maintaining the hope of finishing second this season. nothing has changed," Xavi said.

"I don't know nor am I interested in knowing where this news is coming from. What matters to me is that I have the maximum trust of President Laporta and Deco.

"We will sit down and if we have to talk we will talk, but everything is the same as three weeks ago, when we sat here, laying the foundations for next season," Xavi concludes.

Still, journalists at the press conference were surprised by Xavi's body language. The manager only took 12 questions instead of the 20+ he usually takes before a game.
