PSG midfielder Aminata Diallo denies claims of organizing attack on teammate

PSG midfielder Aminata Diallo denies claims of organizing attack on teammate

PSG women midfielder Aminata Diallo has categorically denied any involvement in the shocking assault on teammate Kheira Hamraou.

She said in an official statement: “Aminata Diallo deplores the perfectly artificial dramatisation of a rivalry between her and Kheira Hamraoui which would justify her taking it out on her team-mate.

“This theory does not correspond in any way to the true nature of their relationship. Other much more serious leads are now being looked at by investigators, which do not implicate my client in any way.

“Aminata Diallo regrets the media uproar which had already sentenced her, with no basis, and she would like to emphasise that she will not hesitate to defend her rights through legal action, if necessary, against all defamation.”

Diallo has been released from police custody after being suspected to have masterminded the attack, which saw two masked men target Hamraou’s legs in an attempt to seriously injure her.

Kheira missed PSG women’s Champions League game against Real Madrid WFC as a result – in which Diallo started before she was suspected to be involved in the attacks.

AuthorUttiyo ScarnageSourceSportbible
