Mexican woman faces 7 years in prison and 100 lashes for reporting sexual abuse in Qatar, she was helping organize the WC

Mexican woman faces 7 years in prison and 100 lashes for reporting sexual abuse in Qatar, she was helping organize the WC

A Mexican woman, Paola Schietekat Sedas, who worked as the 2022 FIFA World Cup committee has been given a shocking sentencing after being sexually abused.

She was sentenced to 7 years in prison and 100 lashes in Qatar just after being able to escape the country.

Sedas was working on the Organizing Committee for the Qatar World Cup before being sexually abused in June last year by a colleage.

She has hit out at the Mexican government to fail to help or protect her in the situation.

Sedas has revealed that she was interrogated for 3 hours after reporting the sexual assault and was demanded to take a virginity test.

She was the only being accused of sexually abusing her colleague after he defended himself on counts that Sedas was his girlfriend and they had consensual sex.

FIFA are yet to make a comment on this situation.

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