Nemanja Vidic names toughest player he ever faced in Premier League - and It's a Chelsea player

Nemanja Vidic names toughest player he ever faced in Premier League - and It's a Chelsea player

On Rio Ferdinand Presents FIVE YouTube channel Nemanja Vidić was asked about the hardest players he played against:

"When you think about the hardest player, you're thinking about the team who was competing against us at a time when we were challenging for a title. That was Chelsea."

"And definitely would say that Didier Drogba was one, was really difficult to play, especially when you play at Stanford Bridge. Small type pitch. Everything is close to the box. He was strong."

"Sometimes he faked, you know, in the boxes, fell down. Next time he got strong, he's kind of, he played, he did his strength. And I think definitely he's the one. He was, at that time, especially in the early days of my career in United, he was amazing."

"Then after you have Sergio Aguero, when he played in Manchester City, he was amazing. Listen, when you see him next to you, you see his calves? His calves are like my thighs. It's amazing. You see him, can this guy move? But he was fast, man, especially in the first five yards."

"Torres is mentioned always. Torres, he has, I think one or two years, he has a great at Liverpool. There was the year that they challenged us for the trophy, they were really close. Yeah, he was a good player."
