Fulham welcome new signing with a lube

Fulham welcome new signing with a lube

Fulham have signed Adama Traore on a free transfer.

The London-based team used a clever way to announce the new arrival -- by showing a bottle of Johnson's baby.

Now, if you know this one thing about Adama Traore you don't need an explanation. But if you don't, here it is.

Traore is one of the most ripped athletes out there and he's also an amazing dribbler. Naturally, it's hard to stop this human machine.

So, in order to make it harder for the opponents to grab him, Traore applies baby oil to his hands.

"It’s something we’ve had to do to protect Adama," said a Wolves insider when Adama played there. "Lubricating his arms makes it harder for opponents to grab him and helps prevent further damage."

Despite Traore being so strong, his stock has fallen in the last couple of years. Two years ago he joined Barca only as an emergency loan option and this summer he left Wolves on a free.

Adama's biggest strength is his pace and dribbling ability but his end product can be compared to that of a central defender: 4 goals and 6 assists in 80 games in the last two seasons.

