Everton's incoming owner: 'Our vision is to sell insurance to our customers, not hot dogs and beers'

Everton's incoming owner: 'Our vision is to sell insurance to our customers, not hot dogs and beers'

Everton are on the verge of being taken over by 777 Partners, a Miami-based private investment company, pending the Premier League's approval.

The company's chief executive Josh Wander aims to be profitable with each club owned by the company and he wants to make it happen not by selling cheap products.

Wander told Financial Times: "The vision for this football group is that one day we’re not selling hot dogs and beers to our customers, but that we’re selling insurance or financial services or whatever."

777 Partners as football club owners haven't been doing a very good job so far. Arguably the only club that can be happy with the owners are Genoa in Serie A while Standard Liege, Sevilla, Hertha and Vasco da Gama are wallowing in mediocrity.

Author:Β .eugeneSource:Β Financial Times
