'Probably more fair': Jose Mourinho reveals he is in favour of blue cards

'Probably more fair': Jose Mourinho reveals he is in favour of blue cards

Jose Mourinho has thrown his hat into the ring, expressing support for the proposed blue card in the Premier League. The idea, set to introduce 10-minute sin-bins for players involved in cynical fouls or dissent towards officials, has stirred up a bit of controversy.

The blue card concept, a potential game-changer, hasn't seen a new entry into the card family since yellows and reds made their debut in the 1970 World Cup. If the plans go through, players could find themselves cooling off in a sin-bin, akin to rugby's yellow card system.

While some Premier League managers have been vocal in their opposition, Mourinho, with cautious optimism, sees the blue card as a means to prevent players from missing matches due to accumulated yellow cards if this rule is used the right way.

The Portuguese said: "I think there is always a feeling of changing things, I'm not always sure you change for better."

"I think if the sinbin means you're out for certain number of minutes but then not an accumulation of it and can play next match without suspension or five yellows I would say so."

"Something I never understand very well is from accumulation of yellow cards a payer cannot play one match, clubs pay players to play, players want to play, fans want players to play, you cannot play for accumulation of yellow cards."

"If there is something that takes it out I say yes and probably more fair than if you make a mistake or infraction in match then you pay it in that match it maybe makes sense and gives team a difficulty to deal with in that specific match."
