Dutch referee banned for life after holding the trophy and singing with the winning team

Dutch referee banned for life after holding the trophy and singing with the winning team

Referee Jan Smit from Opmeer, North Holland, has been banned for life by the KNVB after he joined the celebrations of the winning team in his own match last Sunday. The 61-year-old was officiating a championship match in the fourth division between St. George and SV De Valken.

In injury time, St. George's goalkeeper, Dave Laan, scored the winning goal, and Referee Smit had added fifteen minutes of extra time. SV De Valken was down to eight men after three red cards.

After the game, Smit joined St. George's celebrations, even singing and holding up the championship trophy.

SV De Valken lodged a complaint, prompting the KNVB to take action. The football association has informed Smit that he can no longer referee matches.

Smit himself does not agree with that decision: "I just sang a song and held up the bowl once. That's the only thing. I find it too sad."

Fans reactions to this incredible story.

Jexner: "Man, there's match fixing and then there's Match Fixing."

thisisleewelch: "3 red cards and they still needed 15 minutes extra time. AND THIS IS THE TEAM THAT WAS COMPETING TO WIN LEAGUE!! (or Cup final)."

Ertai2000: "Hum... this is a tough one and I don't want to be a conspiracy theorist, but I think the ref might have had some kind of bias."

RyanRyan_: "Michael Oliver and his Dubai buddies at the Eithad on Sunday."
