Experts note cyber attacks growth on betting platforms in 2024 Q1, most malicious traffic comes from Russia

Experts note cyber attacks growth on betting platforms in 2024 Q1, most malicious traffic comes from Russia

According to recent research conducted by Qrator Labs, almost 10% of all DDoS-attacks in 2024 Q1 were aimed at betting websites and applications.

Experts believe the reason why betting platforms are being attacked so intensively is the growing population of online betting services.

The biggest attack happened on March 2, when Qrator Labs registered over 22 million of malicious requests.

The main sourse of harmful traffic is Russia (23.6%). The USA, China, Brazil and Germany complete the top five at 12.27%, 7.32%, 4.51% and 4.17% respectively.

AuthorAndrey ChegodaevSourcecNews
