'Until that's cleared': Gary Neville hints Man City's FFP charges will always overshadow Guardiola's legacy

'Until that's cleared': Gary Neville hints Man City's FFP charges will always overshadow Guardiola's legacy

Gary Neville has suggested that Pep Guardiola's success in the Premier League will always be overshadowed by the 115 charges against Manchester City for allegedly breaking financial rules.

Neville said: "What Pep [Guardiola] has done, in not even a short period of time, you can't deny that if someone put Pep top [manager in Premier League history], I wouldn't say you're out of order, I'd just say Sir Alex [Ferguson]."

"If someone said Pep Guardiola was top, I wouldn't say your wrong. I'm likely to go with Sir Alex [Ferguson] anyways aren't I, and I certainly don't want to mention the 115 charges [against Manchester City] but until that's cleared, I think we do have to have a little bit of a "but" until that's cleared."

He added: "You're measuring him being the best based on his success, but his success would have been built on foundations that were rule-breaking if they are found guilty. That's the foundation."

Manchester City are still waiting for the outcome of the 115 charges against them, which they strongly deny.

These charges include not providing accurate financial information from the 2009-10 to 2017-18 seasons, failing to give correct details of player and manager payments during that time, and breaking Premier League and UEFA financial rules.

AuthorAndrii SokolovskyiSourceDaily Mail
