What do Bayer and Rodri have in common? Answered

What do Bayer and Rodri have in common? Answered

Bayer Leverkusen and Rodri don't have many connecting dots: different leagues, didn't play against each other in European tournaments, Bayer are a team and Rodri is a player.

However, there is one thing they have in common - both Bayer and Rodri lost their phenomenal streaks.

The record-setting run of Bayer Leverkusen is over at 51 games without losing after the Europa League final. Atalanta managed to break this record with a stellar 3-0 win.

As for Rodri, After 74 games and 474 days, he finally lost a game with Man City against Man United.

The scripts are breaking one after another. What could happen next? Dortmund play against Champions League kings Real Madrid on June 1. Will Dortmund's win be the next surprise? We'll see it soon.

AuthorAndrii SokolovskyiSourceTribuna
