Rodrigo Bentancur's daughter tries to stop her father as he makes a joke about Son and Koreans he is going to regret soon

Rodrigo Bentancur's daughter tries to stop her father as he makes a joke about Son and Koreans he is going to regret soon

The interviewer asked Rodrigo Bentancur about Son Heung-min's kit and Bentancur replied with 'maybe from his cousin' as 'they all look the same'.

There good be some misunderstanding due to translation but according to fans in the comments, this is what Bentancur actually said. It did look like a joke, however, most supporters didn't like it at all.

chronicdanksauce: "Big yikes."

PixeL8xD: "Shut up Pappa, even his own kid knows better."

scarb_123: "Uhh ohhh"

GreyDaze22: "Sheesh can't imagine this working out well for him."

Puzzleheaded_Pound31: "Sonny, the nicest footballer known to man kind…What a shitty thing to say unprovoked even if he will claim it was just bants."

lmlm1020: "His IG comment section is gonna be a dumpster fire when Koreans wake up tomorrow and he’ll deserve it ngl."

AuthorAndrii SokolovskyiSourceMatt Hayes
