'It was meant to be a recovery bike ride': Anthony Gordon reveals he could get serious injuries after being thrown '10 feet in the air'

'It was meant to be a recovery bike ride': Anthony Gordon reveals he could get serious injuries after being thrown '10 feet in the air'

Anthony Gordon expressed relief that his injuries, sustained when he was thrown '10 feet in the air' from his bike, weren't more severe. He promised to mark the occasion by celebrating with the stabilisers gifted to him by Mail Sport if he scores on Sunday.

He said: "I could have been (seriously hurt) with the speed I was going down a hill I could have ended up anywhere. It was on the golf course and I’ve managed to land on the only bit of gravel there was. I was surrounded by grass and managed to land on the gravel. So, I’m really lucky in some instances, and unlucky in some others."

Gordon added: "We went on what was meant to be a recovery bike ride. It was a lovely day, I was going down a hill, trying to take a quick video for my family, just to show them what I was doing. Before I knew it, I was head-first into the floor."

"They are electric, so they are faster than normal bikes and, in England, the front brake is on the right-hand side. Here, I tried to press the left (brake) just to slow down and, next minute, it has not slowed down, it has fully come to a stop… and I haven’t! I have gone 10 feet in the air, chin first!"

"The thing was, because I was on my phone I didn’t know I was falling off until I hit the floor. I was just focused on my phone. I think the moral of the story is that we spend too much time on our phones these days, just enjoy the moment without a phone!"

AuthorAndrii SokolovskyiSourceDaily Mail
