Lucas Vazquez: 'A win vs Viktoria is a weight off our shoulders'

Lucas Vazquez: 'A win vs Viktoria is a weight off our shoulders'

Lucas Vazquez told the press after the 2-1 victory over Viktoria Plzen on Tuesday night: "These were three vital points and our aim was simply to win. We need to be happy with that. It has already given us a boost which we will need in order to give it our all on Sunday. The team have been plugging away for weeks and the win was the fruits of our labour. It is a weight off our shoulders. Now to return to normal, and keep on winning.

"I need to help more in defence rather than play as a winger, but the key is to play a role and give your best at all times." 

Lucas Vazquez started the game on the right-back position after failing to impress against Levante on Saturday, ESPN's Dermot Corrigan wasn't satisfied with his performance on Tuesday either awarding him with 5/10 rating: "Picked out of position at right-back, the right winger by trade was often pulled out of position by simple Plzen runs. But he did get forward well, providing the cross for Benzema's opener, and should have had a penalty too." 
