'The best thing that could happen to us': Madridistas react as Barca linked with sensational Messi return

'The best thing that could happen to us': Madridistas react as Barca linked with sensational Messi return

Barcelona seriously consider bringing Leo Messi back to the club this summer, according to multiple sources.

Barca fans are not the only ones happy with the news – most Madridistas are as well.

💭 Ramon Alvarez de Mon: "As a Real Madrid player, I would love for Messi to return to Barca. It would bring good things to the league and would force Barcelona to sacrifice many important things."

💭 ByFactory: "Messi coming back to Barca is the best thing that can happen to Madrid. The best."

💭 BroGarRM: "Imagine Messi re-joining Barcelona at 36. Great news for Madrid."

💭 Alvaro_Var2: "Messi can return to Barca, just as Cristiano could've returned to Madrid simply if Florentino wanted to. But that is not the issue. The question is: what performance is a 35-year-old guy going to give, who plays while walking and hasn't been competitive in the Champions League for at least 4 years?"

Such reactions make sense. After Xavi has built a competitive team for the first time in years, one man might ruin it both sportingly and financially.

Clearly, Messi is no longer the same he used to be, yet he is still capable of dropping a masterclass on a given day. Besides, the move's success largely depends on what role he will occupy on Xavi's team.

What is your stance on the rumour as a Real Madrid fan?

AuthorKosta KönigSourceTwitter