'I hope I wear it': Endrick unveils preferred shirt number at Madrid in emotional letter to his little brother

'I hope I wear it': Endrick unveils preferred shirt number at Madrid in emotional letter to his little brother

Endrick Felipe has written a touching letter to his little brother Noah via the Player's Tribune.

In this letter, Endrick talks a lot about his move to Real Madrid. He also revealed he would like to wear the number 9 shirt when he eventually arrives in Madrid.

"I don’t know when you will be reading this letter, but right now you are four years old, and our lives are changing very fast. In the next few months, I am going to Spain to play for Real Madrid — yes, the team that I always pick on PlayStation when you watch me," Endrick writes.

"I know that the world will want to know about our family’s story. And it’s a crazy story, brother! So this is my chance to tell it to you as it really happened, and with Mom and Dad here to help me. 

"In a few months, I will leave for Spain, and you are coming with me. Real Madrid….  It was my third goal, but one that I never dared to actually write down. When I was 7 or 8 years old, I didn’t have a phone or anything, so I used to borrow Mom’s computer and watch highlights of Real Madrid.

"I know you are too young to remember these names, but I was obsessed with that 2013–14 team with Cristiano and Modrić and Benzema. That was my gateway into the history of the club. I started going on YouTube and learning about the Galácticos and then deeper and deeper — Puskás, Di Stéfano.… Trust me, in Madrid, you’ll hear more about these names soon enough. 

"You can learn anything on YouTube. It’s like a university. More than anyone, I watched Cristiano. Not just his highlights, but also how hard he worked, and what others said about his mentality. From him, I learned that hard work is more important than talent. 

"One day, I hope to meet him. I still haven’t yet, as I am writing this. But his son follows me on Instagram, so I hope that by the time you are reading this I have been able to shake his hand. God willing, all will go well at Real Madrid and with my career, and Cristiano will follow me! Maybe you and me both! Hahaha. 

"To meet Cristiano Ronaldo. That is goal number 4

"Goal number 5 is that the rest of this season with Palmerias ends in harmony with us winning the Paulista. 

"And goal number 6 … I actually have a funny story about that one. When I went to visit Real Madrid for the first time a few months ago, many amazing things happened. When we met Florentino Pérez, he looked Dad in the eye and said “Real Madrid will be the only club that will treat Endrick like a son.

"You should have seen Dad’s face when he said that. It really meant a lot to him.

"I met Bellingham, the really good one that always scores for me on PlayStation, and everyone calls him Jude, so I told him, “Hey Jude, for my next goal, I will celebrate like you.” When I scored, I sent him the video on Instagram, and he reposted it. 

"I even got some advice from Ronaldo, O Fenômeno. It was all a blur like I was in a dream. But the thing that I remember the most is when I went into the dressing room and Modrić talked to me. His number 10 shirt was hanging up and he pointed to the seat next to him and said, “Number 9 and Number 10. Who knows … next season, maybe you’ll sit next to me.”

"That really attached to my heart. I thought, Man, if Modrić believes I am worthy to wear the number 9, then I must be worthy. 

"I have not arrived in Madrid yet, so I don’t know, but I hope that one day I will wear the number 9 for Real Madrid," Endrick writes.

This season, the number 9 shirt has been left vacant at Real Madrid for the first time in almost 100 years. Sources say it will ultimately fall to Endrick when he arrives in Real Madrid in the summer.
