

Fecha de registro: 17 de abril de 2019

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Xavi is such an idiot for saying this.... Your love for spanish lads is the problem. How many experiences does Yamal had playing for senior teams but consistent playing time pave way for who is he now. We only have Lewy and Rogue as the natural stikers but you still prefer Feran. My wuestion is if Rogue is a spanish player, will you not use him day in and out ...
in the first place, why do we have to sign him knowing fully well about the inserted clauses. I do not want to believe such news is correct because I trusted Laporta, he will not sign the contract with such ridiculous clauses attached to his contract....
That alone is a sacrifice.... He should have left when he was pushed to the wall by the those high hierarchy within the club but he insisted of staying for the love of the club even when United is willing to offer him lucrative offer.... So he hasn't try or you want me to kill himself for us
Respondió al comentario de usuario abdussalam muyideen
this is the sole reason barca are in financial mess. they overpay there players. it is high time LaPorta scale down the salary cap, if dejong doesn't want to lower is outrageous wage, let him leave(750k/week) who receive that in England.
Please try to get your figures right... who paid 750k weekly for Dejong.. He love Barca dearly that he even sacrifice so many to be with us....
Respondió al comentario de usuario AjibadeAjayiGoal
Let the players play well, score clean goals and stop blaming the referees! After all, if you win you will not blame the referees.
You still need to learn a lot about football ⚽
Being disciplined is part of life morals and its also applicable in every sports most especially football. Xavi isn't up to 3 years as a coach of Barcelona yet accumulating 15 yellow 💛 cards with red isn't good enough for a coach. Please show more passion and enthusiasm for the game and stop complaining about the decisions of referees in all games that can warrant you being booked...
Respondió al comentario de usuario Albert Justice....... No Sentiment
That's why Barcelona can not sign him ...... Barcelona does not have such amount of money...... Neymar is scard of dembele chanllenge....... Neymar couldn't come to Barcelona when dembele was still around..... now dembele has gone to meet him PSG while he is running Saudi
Are you be sentimental or what? Neymar runs for Dembele... Is this real? I bet you... Any good and reasonable coach will not start Dembele over Neymar if both are in the same club
The option to chose between the players, it is from the board to the coach or all this fake news.... I have read so many articles from the Barca website and I haven't come across this one stating Xavi should pick one... I think we need to channel our efforts on fact news and not fabricated ones
Respondió al comentario de usuario Larry Bleach
Even corrupt president knows somethings are bigger than money
Sir... chose the correct word. Bartomeu made series of signing based on the agreement of the board which doesn't favour the club. He is not corrupt but waste majority of the resources that should have been avoided.... I knew he made series of unfavorable signing but that's not mean he's corrupt. If he is, I believe he would have been charge before now
I think we need to check ✔️ the antecedents and profile of anyone that the mantle of leadership will be pass on to lead this great club. Those who voted for Bartomeu should also take responsibility of his mis-management. Victor Font is the only person who was clamouring for the president to be change because he foresee the havoc they had wreck on this club. Just check the amount spent on 3 prayers who are not even up to the standard of wearing the badge 📛... This is a call to learn from