Tribuna/Profil/mohammad saleh/Les commentaires
mohammad saleh

mohammad saleh

Date d'enregistrement: 10 octobre 2018

Commentaires des utilisateurs

mohammad saleh
Fàbregas easy
mohammad saleh
That’s picture is sus
mohammad saleh
The 2% that said they love him more than Messi. They can fuck off. All the way to Brazil
mohammad saleh
We should BUY HIM!!!
mohammad saleh
Am I the only one who wants to lose this game so can get rid off our coach😭
mohammad saleh
Bruh I’m not gonna be happy unless it’s official, I’m not going to get bamboozled
mohammad saleh
Fuck Bayern. They are trash! Come to Barca we’re the best! Please 😭😭
mohammad saleh
Yes! Umtiti played like 60 years old dude! It’s time!
mohammad saleh
I say no because if we win the next 3 games in la-liga we would win the league and that way the whole team can be rested
mohammad saleh
My goat