Kevin Moran

Kevin Moran

Data registrazione: 8 ottobre 2018

Commenti degli utenti

Kevin Moran
Romeu 3. Ter Stegen 8.5. Yamal 9.5. He plays such beautiful Barca football!
Kevin Moran
Stupid story. Again.
Kevin Moran
Pedri looked very good in limited minutes. Offense will greatly improve as he play’s more.
Kevin Moran
This guy is a total Asshole!
Kevin Moran
Rispondi al commento dell'utente 
Block this piece of shit from this website. Not acceptable, not at all funny.
Kevin Moran
Taking care of the supporters is part of the job. That’s part of the reason for being paid millions of Euros per year for playing a kid’s’ game. Remember where you came from and don’t act like a whiny little Bitch.
Kevin Moran
Boring game. Lack of creativity and intensity as usual. Midfield injuries have really killed the offense.
Kevin Moran
Another ignorant comment by a complete Asshole.
Kevin Moran
If true, fucking stupid idea.