Arsene Wenger: We 'left our soul' at Highbury failing to replicate the same atmosphere at the Emirates

Arsene Wenger: We 'left our soul' at Highbury failing to replicate the same atmosphere at the Emirates

“Through all my career, when you arrived to drive down to Highbury, that was always a special moment,” Arsene Wenger told BeIN Sports.

“Highbury is linked with love, love for the period I had there, love for the exceptional attitude of the fans, the special football games I witnessed there, it’s a special place in my heart. There was 40 people there, now there’s more like 400, you knew everyone.

“We have moved from a business family to a big company now and, of course, Highbury was linked with the business family. The supporters were very close, when you kicked a corner you can shake the hands of a supporter, and it gave a togetherness, a warm feeling that was unique.

“You’re always in a position with a football club where you ask whether to move forward or to stay in the past, we had to go through a period were we moved stadiums. The rules were changed, we wanted to create a stadium with the same feeling of Highbury but we left our soul because we could never replicate that.

“The distance from the pitch to the stands had to be bigger for ambulances to come in, all that kind of thing, so we didn’t find exactly the same atmosphere.”

14 years ago we left out home:

Arsenal said goodbye to the stadium that was our home for 93 years on May 7, 2006.

The Gunners hosted Wigan and in the dramatic game beat the opponent 4-2 stealing a spot in the Champions League from under the noses of Tottenham. We came from behind twice to eventually earn the hard-fought 3 points courtesy of Robert Pires' goal and Thierry Henry's hat-trick.

It's needless to say that Highbury is linked with lots of memorable moments in the club's history.

Overall at N5, Arsenal played 2010 games, winning 1196 and drawing 475 of them.

What is your most cherished Highbury memory? Tell us in the comments or via our brand-new blogging platform!

AuthorEvgeniy KozhemiakoSourceBeIN Sports