'Better fit than before': Podolski backs Ozil to shine under Arteta

'Better fit than before': Podolski backs Ozil to shine under Arteta

"There is no discussion for me, he is a great player," Lukas Podolski told Sky Sports when asked about Mesut Ozil.

"Sometimes there is a problem with a coach or there could be an injury, things that happen in football and you have to deal with this situation sometimes.

"I think it's a better fit than before (Ozil and Arteta). They have played together and know each other. Ozil is back on the pitch and the games I have seen he is doing much better than with the former coach.

"Sometimes you have a coach and you can not deal with him. He can have a different view of football. Arteta is back at Arsenal and you see the team is much more organised, more fight and discipline.

"I hope they can build a good team for the next couple of years. They can do it but they have to work together."

Mesut Ozil's conflict with Unai Emery has returned to the spotlight recently as the former manager cannot stop taking digs at the playmaker.

"He has to be self‑critical too, analyse his attitude and commitment. I tried with all my might to help Ozil," said the Spaniard in a recent interview with The Guardian.

"I was always open to talking, he was always in my plans, but he had to do his bit. And there were things I couldn’t control."

The 31-year-old has improved under Arteta but many fans point out at his below-par numbers this season (just one goal and two assists in 18 Prem games this season).

Moreover, the disparity between his sky-high wages and lackluster performances has earned him some stick, too.

Despite this, Bernd Leno is adamant that Mesut delivers what he's asked, it's just many do not see really see it.

"Of course, in the last time he didn’t make too many assists but when you see how many chances he creates, he is maybe playing the one pass before the assist," said the goalkeeper.

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AuthorAleksei BlokhinSourceSky Sports