Wright: 'Give Ozil the money if you're not going to play him and move him on'

Wright: 'Give Ozil the money if you're not going to play him and move him on'

"I would say to the people upstairs: give Mesut Ozil the money if you’re not going to play him and move him on. Same with Kolasinac and same with those players that are in and around the club and aren’t going to contribute," Ian Wright said on The Kelly and Wrighty Show as cited by the Mirror.

"That’s what he [Arteta] needs, players who are contributing.

"Arsenal have to realise they’re in a situation that can get worse and if they do lose those games against Brighton and West Brom… those games are must-win games."

When the news of Arteta snubbing Ozil reached Ian Wright, the iconic striker was "surprised" and "gutted".

While there are different opinions on Mesut within the Arsenal fan community, one thing is certain: this football club lacks direction and leadership, which results in inconsistent decision-making: first you offer Ozil a sky-high salary, and then you try to force him out of the club.
