Why was Kyle Walker furious with Arsenal coach Nicolas Jover? Revealed 

Why was Kyle Walker furious with Arsenal coach Nicolas Jover? Revealed 

The details of the spat between Kyle Walker and Arsenal's set-piece coach Nicolas Jover have now been revealed.

According to several reports, there was disappointment among the Man City camp when Jover refused to shake their hands after their two league victories over Arsenal last season.

Jover is said to have kept his hands firmly behind his back and showed ‘no interest’ in pleasantries following the games. 

But following the recent win at the Emirates, he was said to have offered a handshake to Walker, prompting a touchline brawl between both sets of teams, with Erling Haaland front and centre.

Sources branded Jover a ‘hypocrite’ for actively seeking out Kyle Walker on Sunday. Arsenal fans won't be bothered after a historic win.

AuthorToby PrinceSourceDaily Mail