'Open situation': Romano shares Smith Rowe transfer update

'Open situation': Romano shares Smith Rowe transfer update

Emile Smith Rowe has had another mixed season with Arsenal. He clearly loves being at the club but his game time was limited to 13 Premier League appearances this term.

The 23-year-old has two years left on his deal with the Gunners. Fabrizio Romano has shared what he knows about the Englishman's situation.

“I’m aware of talk of a meeting being scheduled between Emile Smith Rowe and Arsenal, but my understanding is that nothing has been decided on this yet,” the journalist told Caught Offside.

He added: “I think it’s an open situation based on proposals, but at the moment I’m still hearing it’s a quiet situation. Let’s see in the next weeks if clubs join the race.”

AuthorAleksei BlokhinSourceCaught Offside