Frank Lampard: I have an edge, you need that to win

Frank Lampard: I have an edge, you need that to win

"I do have an edge," Frank Lampard admitted while speaking to Chelsea's official club website.

"I would not be able to play for Chelsea for so long and at a team that was fighting to be Premier League winners or Champions League winners pretty much every year I was here, and I have seen people around me who have an edge.

"I can’t stand there and demand an edge from my players after Sheffield United and not have that in myself to try to drive the club forwards. It is not the right way to do it with the language I used.

"It can happen in the game, I have huge respect for Jurgen Klopp, I shook his hand at the end, it is nothing to do with what Liverpool Football Club have done. I applaud them to the highest degree no matter what the result would have been the other day. It was just an in-game moment for me.

Lampard adds: "I think arrogance is a very important quality in terms of how you attack a football match as a player, how you tackle a football match as a manager because you will be full of expectation around you, with criticism of anything you do that might be seen as being wrong and not quite right.

"If you don’t have a level of arrogance and belief in what you do then you can be affected negatively to the point where you might not be able to do the job as well."

As a winner of 3 Premier League titles and the Champions League, Lampard knows what winning means and there is no one more respected within the Chelsea team than the club legend.

His rant at Klopp and Liverpool's coaching staff is something that Lampard apologised for, but the passion he showed is something you love to see and we hope that the team matches the manager's 'edge' when they face Wolves tomorrow.

AuthorTaha MemonSourceChelsea FC