What Jose Mourinho said about Spurs at Stamford Bridge in 2004 still works in 2020

What Jose Mourinho said about Spurs at Stamford Bridge in 2004 still works in 2020

"As we say in Portugal, they brought the bus and they left the bus in front of the goal," Mourinho said about Tottenham in 2004, as reported by BBC.

"I would have been frustrated if I had been a supporter who paid £50 to watch this game because Spurs came to defend.

"I'm really frustrated because there was only one team looking to win, they only came not to concede - it's not fair for the football we played."

Mourinho's Tottenham side parked the bus against Chelsea today, not registering a single shot in the second half.

Mourinho claimed his team were looking to win after the game but Tottenham seemed more than happy to take the draw.

AuthorDivij KSourceBBC