Tuchel: Giroud trains like a 20-year-old, no surprise to see him jump so high

Tuchel: Giroud trains like a 20-year-old, no surprise to see him jump so high

"[Olivier Giroud] trains like a 20-year-old, he is a guy who is serious and a mix of joy. He is always positive and a big factor for the group," Thomas Tuchel said after the 1-0 win.

"If you see [Giroud] on a daily basis you can't be surprised [so high off ground]. He's totally fit, his body's in shape, his physicality is on a top-level & mentally I've the feeling he enjoys every day. This is the level he needs to be at.

"He can be proud of his goal. I am super happy for my players that we had such a big reward and we can read it on the scoreline, that we have the result for the top performance."

Giroud scored a sensational 2nd half overhead kick to help Chelsea get a vital 1-0 lead going into the 2nd leg against Atletico Madrid.

AuthorMiqdad HSourceChelsea FC