'So many red flags in his personality': Fans express concerns about Fofana as he nears Chelsea move

'So many red flags in his personality': Fans express concerns about Fofana as he nears Chelsea move

Wesley Fofana's move to Chelsea is imminent and the player is having his medical with the club today.

The announcement is expected to be as early as tomorrow but some fans are having doubts about Fofana's behaviour and attitude.

Fofana uploaded a story of himself without a seatbelt in a car while recording himself.

Fans have also expressed concerns about his behaviour in forcing a move away from Leicester, indicating that if another club comes calling, he may do the same to Chelsea.

Deep: "Am I the only one thinking this isn't a good attitude player? Creates a fuss to leave a club that's done nothing wrong to him and now mocking their loss while still officially their player. Nah man it's just immature."

BlueTango: "There are warning signs already when you look at Fofana's history. I mean, just look at Lukaku. He supposedly had "unfinished business" here. Football fans are fucking naive, a bit of sweet-talking from the player and they fall in love."

Jets: "Problem is, he'll probably be professional for a season, get wind that Real Madrid are interested and all of a sudden he's playing shit or being asked not to turn up to training because he's not in the right "head space"."

Ktbffh: "What will stop from doing the same thing to us if Barca/Madrid/Bayern come knocking? I see so many red flags in his personality despite his talent and potential, but hopefully Tuchel and the team can ingrain some maturity into him. FWIW, Rodgers has terrible man-management."

Hekz: "Happy to have a defender reinforcement but this transfer smells like a disaster waiting to happen, but i also was vehemently against Chilly's transfer but he turned out quite good so my judgement is not definitive."

AuthorGursher Chabba