Chelsea fans want to make Reece James captain after he brutally shuts Arsenal fan in 3 words

Chelsea fans want to make Reece James captain after he brutally shuts Arsenal fan in 3 words

Reece James shut Arsenal fan named Blacklist in 3 words. Blacklist tweeted: "Reece james to Arsenal who says no." The one who said 'no' was Reece James himself.

James wrote: "I say no." Chelsea fans absolutely liked this answer, saying that Reece James has to be their captain.

Janty: MY FUTURE CAPTAIN πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

@ForeverBlue_07: With each passing day it gets proved he knew about the snakes inside the squad all along. He’s the only proper and true out and out Chels in the whole squad.

WILL: If you have got to persuade them to carry the bricks, they are not the ones to build with

Elim’s Dad: Give him the captaincy already

Frank: Chelsea legend won’t downgrade.

This season Reece James scored 2 goals and made 2 assists across 24 appearances. However, he hasn't played since April 18 when Chelsea faced a defeat against Real Madrid in the Champions League.

There is growing concern about the 23-year-old's injury record, particularly regarding a recurring hamstring issue that has troubled him throughout the season.

Author:Β Andrii SokolovskyiSource:Β Twitter